Read this article to learn about the sources of recruitment (Internal and External sources of recruitment)…
Sources of Recruitment-
Recruitment is the process of creating a pool of qualified candidate who can apply for the job in an organization or the company. It follows the procedure of HR planning and goes hand in hand with the process of selection by which companies evaluate the suitability of candidates for various types of jobs.

It includes various or different types of sources of recruitment and those sources are categorized into two sub-categories…
(i) Internal Source of Recruitment
(ii) External Source of Recruitment
Internal Sources of Recruitment-

These type of sources refers to the recruitment sources within an organization. It invites applications of those peoples who are already working in the organization. Applications are invited to promote individuals to superior posts (promotion) or transfer to another department at the same level of occupation.
It includes various sub-level of sources such as:-
1. Promotions:
Promotion is a type of motivational technique to our employees who work well and show hard performance in an organization. Promotion helps to increase the pay level, salary, position, authority, and responsibility, also. The promotional activity is done under various circumstances, rules and regulations, and conditions.
For Example, the promotion of Bank cashier to Bank PO post.
2. Transfer:
In this technique, the employees or employers are transferred from one department to another department or one place to another place (it can be the national or international place). The transfer method helps to improve the working standards, lifestyle, way of working, and so on of an individual.
For Example, the transfer of the clerk from the accounts department to the sales department.
3. Demotion:
In this source of recruitment, when one of the superior employee or employer does not work well in an organization, then it is removed from the post of the superiority of that organization and it is given a subordinate type of post. So, this type of process is known as a demotion.
This type of internal source of recruitment is the major disadvantage or demotivation of any company’s individuals.
4. Retired Employees:
When an organization does not have any right person to his managerial post, then the organization calls back his old retired employees and prepares him to work on that post.
This technique of source is very much beneficial to our organization because it helps to reduce the cost of training facilities on new employees, saves the time of the selection process of new employees, and so on.
5. Notice Boards:
In this process, the details of their vacancies are placed on their notice boards. Candidates can see or watch them and apply for the post according to their qualification, experience, skills, and so on.
6. Job Posting:
The job posting is also a better method of hiring people within an organization. In this posting, the organization publishes its vacancies details on electronic media, bulletin boards, and similar outlets.
This is the most important point because it helps to offer a chance for professionally qualified applicants who are already working in an organization to look for growth opportunities.
Advantages of Internal Source of Recruitment-
It includes various points such as:-
(i) Motivation: If the employee or employers are placed from one junior post to another senior post, then it will automatically motivate itself because it increases the position, salary, authority, and so on.
(ii) Recognition: When internal employees or candidates are recommended for promotion, they gain social and economic recognition amongst the organizational individuals.
(iii) Costs: Internal method of recruitment is less costly than the external method of recruitment. The business houses save money on inviting applications from outside through various online or offline advertisements.
(iv) Loyalty: When employees or employers are promoted by the organization, their confidence or trust level increases. They fully associate with the organization and work with full commitment. They also promote our kindness or loyalty to our organization.
Disadvantages of Internal Source of Recruitment-
It includes various points such as:-
(i) Limitation in recruitment: It means the number of jobs is limited in nature and it is only for internal employees. No outsiders peoples are involved.
(ii) The conflict between the workers: If the employees do not get promotion on time, then they create conflict with other promotional managers. It can reduce the efficiency of organizational setup.
(iii) Dynamic concept: An organization works on the modes of a dynamic process where the new technologies are changing every day and it takes time for an internal employee to understand those changes. So, that is the reason, the organization recruits the candidates from an external source because they all know very well about all those changes.
External Sources of Recruitment-

These type of recruitment sources takes place outside of the organization. It is the process of evaluating the potential external candidates and enhancing them to apply for the jobs which are available in an organization. It includes various sources like:-
1. Press Advertisements:
It refers to the advertisements for vacancies in newspapers, journals, magazines, televisions, radios, etc. Through this process, the company can easily find the main candidates for our organization because an advertisement helps to spread the news in long-lasting areas. For example:- Sales executive vacancies advertised in various newspapers.
2. Educational Institutes:
Recruitment takes place in pool campuses recruitments drive or placement drive in which various candidates of different institutes or colleges are called recruitment. The company organizes group discussions and interviews to recruit candidates from educational institutes. For Example– Mother dairy company recruitment process for management training sales profile.
3. Placement Agencies:
Placement agencies are the private parties that provide placements to the candidates in lieu of fees and works for various companies on commission poses. For Example– ABC Consultants, etc.
4. Employment Agencies:
These agencies are opened by the government. The main function is to provide job opportunities to the prospective candidates.
5. Unsolicited Obligants:
It refers to the unsolicited walking in that are taking place at the company. For Example– A job seeker coming up with the C.V to the company’s HR office without prior appointment.
6. Employee Recommendation:
The recommendation of an existing employee can be a source of recruitment. For Example– An existing employee can recommend his nephew for the post of a software engineer.
Advantages of External Source of Recruitment-
It includes various points such as:-
(i) Suitable for dynamic business organizations: Organizations is a dynamic process which is change day by day due to their market conditions. So, that is the reason, the company recruit outsider peoples because they know very well about their changing business environments.
(ii) Large pool: External recruitment provides a large pool of structure to choose an appropriate individual for our organization.
(iii) Recruitment of young blood: External recruitment recruits the young, new, and dynamic people or individual for our organization because these peoples can easily handle the new modern changing business environment.
Disadvantages of External Source of Recruitment-
It includes various points such as:-
(i) Costly: External recruitment is most costly rather than internal recruitment because it involves advertisements costs, interviews, etc.
(ii) Dissatisfaction between the internal candidates.
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