HomeFundamentals of Management

Nature of Management Notes – Subjectquery.com

Nature of Management Notes – Subjectquery.com
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The Nature of Management can be described as follows:-

Management is a process of universal and inclusive thing because it helps to make and manage all the specific things related to business or non-business organizations.  It is also a combination of various functions like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.

These functions play a very important role for any business or non-business organizations because it helps the business to achieve their objectives and goal for long-term success. It also includes Nature of Management Notes like:-

  1. Continuous Process Activities,
  2. Universal in Nature,
  3. Follow Discipline,
  4. Management is a group activity,
  5. Management is goal oriented,
  6. Dynamic in Nature,
  7. A system of authority,
  8. Management is an art,
  9. Management is science.

1.Continuous Process Activities

A Continuous process is the first nature of management and it means is a never closing technique or process. This process is the backbone of the management because, without this, the management cannot survive in any place. To run any business, it is very important to have proper management in it and management is made up of only two things: First one is group efforts and the second one is continuity.

That is why it is said that management is a non-finished process which is considered to be the very beneficial term for the successor long term growth of any organization.

2. Universal in Nature-

Universal in Nature is the second nature of management and it means is a universal phenomenon i.e., wherever human activities are done in-universe, this nature exists or fits better on there. The nature of this management shows how any principles of management becomes fit anywhere, whether it is a business organization or non-business organization.

Thus, management is an activity of group efforts because this is a very purposive feature which helps to achieve any business goal.

3. Follow Discipline-

Discipline is the third nature of management and it means the rules and regulations of anything. In management, the discipline plays a very effective role to make and manage the activities, plans, and procedures of the company and anything which is related to human life.

But, management has developed into a separate discipline that addresses and attracts different concepts like sociology, psychology, economics, statistics, and so on, so that any business can maintain itself well. Management links its ideas, theories, concepts, and procedures together in all discipline features and uses them for the well-being of the organization.

4. Management is a group activity-

Group activity is the fourth nature of management and it means that all human and material resources should be effectively combined to achieve the desired level of productivity. No single person can fully satisfy anyone’s needs, he will need some peoples so that he will form a better team or group and satisfy all the needs and wants of anyone.

In simple words, Management is a combination of various peoples and through which the business can make our work effective and goal oriented. That is why it has been said that the person who does not do anything alone then he makes something by creating a group.

5. Management is goal oriented-

Goal oriented is the fifth nature and it means every business management wants profits and achievement of goals (the goals can be both types, economic and social). Thus, management plays a very effective role to manage group efforts, tasks, and works.

This is also the main nature of particular management because if the goal of any business is not cleared then it can not survive in the market.

6. Dynamic in Nature-

Dynamic is the sixth nature of management and it means that the techniques which are used in business for the purpose of changes itself over a period of time. Since the business environment is dynamic, style of management should be dynamic so that it can solve different problems through different techniques and policies.

7. System of authority-

A system of authority is the seventh nature and it means authority has a kind of power so that any person can use to do a proper job in any systematic order. It will not have any management does a good job without the authority because it has only to a superior that he can take any fair decisions and make the business effective.

Thus, Authority and Responsibility depends upon the position of the managers who work in the organization an both are also very necessary.

8. Management is an art-

Art is the eighth nature of management and it means in every management, the skills, talents, potentials, knowledge, experience, and creativity are the parts of art and these parts help the organization to achieve their desired results or goals.

That’s the reason, In every management, the clarification of ideas, concepts, skills, and talents are very necessary to manage all specific things.

9. Management is a science

Science is the ninth nature and it means that science is a physiological concept which tells about the causes and effects of applications. These applications are totally based on the specific policies and procedures through which the company can predict and solve the basic problems which are related to the individuals and their works.

Also Read-

  1. Importance of Management
  2. Functional areas of Management
  3. Management- Concept, Features, Characteristics, Levels, and Objectives
  4. Management Principles-14 Principles of Management (Henri Fayol Notes)

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